




事隔四十幾年,小柯柯在網路搜尋到底是哪句話吻合呢?找了半天,是這句嗎?好像有點勉強....build me a son whose wishes will not take the place of deeds 英文倒退好幾百步的小柯柯只好請教英文程度很棒的各位格友們了!全文如下:

"Build me a son, O Lord,

who will be strong enough to know when he is weak,

and brave enough to face himself when he is afraid;

one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat,

and humble and gentle in victory.

Build me a son

whose wishes will not take the place of deeds;

a son who will know Thee…… and that

to know himself is the foundation stone of knowledge.

Build me a son

 whose heart will be clear,

 whose goal will be high,

 a son who will master himself

 before he seeks to master other men;

 one who will reach into the future,

 yet never forget the past.

And after all these things are his,

 add, I pray, enough of a sense of humor,

 so that he may always be serious,

 yet never take himself too seriously

Give him humility,

 so that he may always remember

 the simplicity of true greatness,

 the open mind of true wisdom

 and the meekness of true strength.

Then, I, his father will dare to

 whisper, "I have not lived in vain.'"







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